8 Most Lucrative Agricultural Business Ideas In Nigeria

Agriculture right from time, has been one of the key sector not only in Nigeria, but also in developed countries, and yet also one of the ignored - yes. 

For instance, Agriculture contributes just a little over 20% to the Nation's overall GDP, even though it can be much more.

Yes, Agriculture is a sector with great potential for flourishing, given proper strategical planning.

And any individual with just the basic 

know - how of farm operations, can delve into, and still profit!

You do not even need to own a piece of landed property or a huge startup capital to go into this buisness.

With a little piece of land in your backyard, or yet still a rented land property, you can get started.

In this post, i will be sharing about 8 most lucrative agricultural/farming business ideas that anyone in Nigeria can startup today and profit from.

1. Cassava Farming.

You would agree with me that this is an evergreen business venture 

With it being the staple food for millions of Nigerians ( now we are talking millions ) haha! 

Cassava farming is very lucrative.

As an essential commodity and farm produce that is always high in demand and consumption, one can never go wrong with this business venture, provided you are equipped with the basic knowledge for its operation, the rest ( ie its marketing ), Can simply be done by ear.

2. Poultry Farming.

This is another lucrative agricultural sector and a quick one also, owing to the fast maturity of the birds.

Most people go all in with this business model by raising various domesticated birds ie turkey, ducks, chickens, and even down to the eggs. 

You do not necessarily need a vast space for this business operations. So many people are doing it small scale and still make a killing with it siliently. 

But incase you are still not so convinced, think about the millions of daily consumers of confectioneries/bakery products, or the number of eggs that go into baked products daily!

3. Rice Farming.

You would agree with me that Nigeria is a nation where the Agricultural sector is still undermined even when it's relivancy is evident to all. I mean, with all the luxury cars, posh houses, designers clothing, and accesories, we all still need food to get by each day, both the rich and poor alike.

According to statistics, Nigeria is the largest producer of rice in West Africa and the third in Africa after Egypt and Madagascar producing about 3.6 million metric tons on the average annually. Suprisenly, Nigeria still falls short of meeting its expected production placed at about 5.5 million tons.

With the above stated information, it is clearly obvious that rice farming business is not only a lucrative one but also one yet to be fully tapped into or saturated. 

But incase you are still not convinced,  think about the millions of rice consumers in Nigeria on a daily basis !

4. Snail Farming.

This is one area people rarely look into Yet one of the most lucrative agricultural buisness you can start up with a low capital. 

Snails are quite expensive when buying for consumption yes. But you can startup this business with the little capital you have, and start profiting within a short period!

Snails normally go scarce during the dry seasons. 

During this period, the market gets starved of enough supply of snails. You can capitalize on this and always have in stock, whether in season or out of season! 

Even though you are not a big fan of snails, do you know the millions of Nigerians who consume snails regularly?  You can also tap into this market and grab your own percentage of those millions you know.

5. Catfish Farming.

There isn't anyone who is not aware of the lucrativenes of Catfish Farming. 

Since it's introduction, it has become a household business for many  ( because it can be done right from your backyard ). 

It is a business for both the young and old alike.

Catfishes have a high all year round demand, and can be sold live or smoked whichever.

This is a business in which you wouldn't have to worry about buyers due to its regular market demand.

Povided you know the basics of its operation, everyone ends up a winner!

6. Maize Farming.

 Maize also known as corn, has for decades been one of the most  popular farm produce in Africa and even some advanced Nations.

This is one business venture that shouldn't be overlooked  ie if you are looking to venture into the Agricultural sector.

It has a fast maturity rate and easy startup requirements. Provided you understand the basic requirement for its operation.

But incase you are still not so convinced, about its profitability, think about all of the by products gotten from corn e.g : Pap, Custard, Corn Oil, Alcohol, Cornflake, Animal/Livestock Feeds, Corn Flour, Corn Starch, Corn Powder etc just think outside the box with this one.

7. Pig Farming.

Pig farming is one that can bring in fast profits provided you understand the basic requirements for its operations. 

This is owing to the fact that pigs are known prolific breeders and can deliver from 10 to 14 piglets in just a single birth! 

Pork meat is suprisenly still  an unfully tapped Agricultural produce. With an estimated $3 billion dollar consumption value, you do not need anyone telling you the money to be made from this sector.

8. Honey Bee Farming.

Do you know that honey can stay for a very long time without going bad or expire ?

Bee Honey can be a very lucrative business venture, owing to it's high health benefits and longetivity ( they don't go bad ).  This is a business with the potential for success provided you know the basic requirements for it's operation. It can be done from your backyard, and  with the right business plan, can be produced at a larger scale for commercial purposes.

Apart from being a natural sweetener, Honey also contains many health benefits and can also be used as an antidote for most ailments!


Generally, any business that revolves around Natural resources ie ( God created resources ) is bound to be profitable! " think about that one" 

And the Agricultural sector happens to be one that can be ventured into even on a small scale. - Remember we only stay limited in our minds.

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