10 Denzel Washington's quotes that will get you inspired.


The handsome actor with exceptional acting skills is also well known for his depth of  inspiring words and quotes. Below are some of his motivational quotes that will get you and keep you inspired!


1)" Don't aspire to have a living , aspire to make a difference"

2) " Do what you have to do , to do what you want to do"

3) " So you never know who you touch . You never know how or when you're have an impact , or how important your example can be to someone else .

4) " My faith helps me understand that circumstances don't dictate my happiness , my inner peace".

5) If you have an enemy , then learn and know your enemy , don't just be mad at him or her"

6) " If you don't fail you are not even trying "

7) " I think a role model is a mentor . Someone you see on a daily basis and you learn from them " .

8) "The chances you take , the people you meet , the people you love , the faith that you have. That's what's going to define you"

9) " Got to be who you are in this world, no matter what ".

10) " I say luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared.

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