How else can a perfect example of unconditional love be?

Here is a grand example:

 "We've been together for 8 years now. We live in Ireland, 30 miles from Dublin, in a rented and unemployed apartment.

I don't work because I spend all my time training. My dream has always been to be a champion.

She believed in me and despite the lack of money she made an effort to take care of my diet, I had to eat athlete's food, respect food and she took care of that. She encouraged me all the way.

When I came home from hard training, without energy, tired, she always told me: "Conor, I know you can do this."

And now I earn millions of dollars fighting. In my battles there are 50-70 thousand spectators. i can buy any car, house, clothes or shoes i want!

She didn't ask for anything, but she deserves what's most beautiful in this world. She is always by my side and keeps telling me that I can do anything!

If I got to where I am, it's all thanks to her who never let me down and never left me alone." - Conor Mcgregor.

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